New member joins the team.

Keelan Cusworth a graduate in Sports and Exercise Therapy from Leeds Beckett University  ( the same course which James studied) will be joining us . He will be available for appointments on Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturday mornings . He will offer the same high standard of treatment and rehabilitation which we feel we have Continue reading »

Radial Shockwave treatments available !

We can now treat numerous chronic soft tissue injuries quicker and with greater success using Radial Shockwave . If you are suffering from Plantar Fasciitis  , Achilles Tendonopathy, Patellar Tendinopathy, Hamstring Tendinopathy, Rotator Cuff Calcification and Tendinopathy  to name just some common issues which Shockwave has been proved to be effective in treating in clinical Continue reading »

Clinic open for bookings in Rutland

I am now open for bookings for clients looking for help with aches , pains and injuries . My clinic is based in Ashwell , in close proximity to Oakham and surrounding villages.

New Sports Therapy Clinic in Rutland.

I will shortly be opening a new clinic base in Rutland offering sports therapy treatments to clients in need of help with both sports and non sporting aches, pains and injuries.

Clinic Update

Clinic days for Mark at Total Fitness Wakefield will now be Wednesdays and Thursdays from January 2022 . He will also be opening a new clinic in the near future in Rutland. Watch this space !

Fully Open Again

Hi we are fully open again for all clients,  current and new . If you have pain or discomfort from injury , posture , age  etc give us a call and lets see if we can help. Don’t forget all of you returning to the gym today , take it steady for a few weeks Continue reading »

Update on current situation in January lockdown

We would just like to let everyone know that there is very little clarity from the Government in the current lockdown on whether Sports Therapists can continue to offer hands on treatments. In these circumstances and with the dramatic rise in infections and increase in the new Covid 19  strain we are closing the clinic Continue reading »

In pain or discomfort we are here to help !

In these difficult times you do not need to continue to suffer in pain or discomfort . Whether its from changing your training due to lockdown or you are working from home in not ideal positions for your posture . Contact us and see if we can help either with a remote consultation and advice Continue reading »

Back Up and Running

The clinic is back up and running for sports therapy treatments in Wakefield! In line with advice from the government and our own governing body, we have been able to re-open the clinic and start performing treatments once again. We are taking all the precautionary measures necessary to allow us to help you with whatever Continue reading »